Straight Side Glass Bottles, Clear, C&G Containers

Supplier: C&G Containers
LFS002200010 LFS002900000 LFS004200000 LFS004400010 LFS004900000 LFS004900100 LFS008200010 LFS008900000 LFS016200010 LFS016400000 LFS016900100 LFS032200010 LFS032900000 LFS002400000 LFS032200000 LFS004300000 LFS004900500 LFS032900800 LFS032100010 LFS008100010 LFS004100010 LFS002100010
71000-812CS 154.47 CAD
71000-812 71000-814 71000-816 71000-818 71000-820 71000-822 71000-824 71000-826 71000-830 71000-832 71000-834 71000-836 71000-838 71000-840 71000-842 71000-844 71000-846 71000-848 71000-850 71000-852 89125-404 89125-408 30617-864 30617-866 10146-730 10146-758 10146-760 10146-770 10496-904 10496-908 10496-910 10496-912
Straight Side Glass Bottles, Clear, C&G Containers
Jars General Use Jars
These glass jars are used primarily for the collection of liquid media, soil, sediments, and slurry media for testing Semi-volatiles, Pesticides, PCBs, Diesel Range Organics, TPH, Metals, and Phenolics

Pre-cleaned and Certified products contain the Certificate of Analysis and Cleaning Protocol Form in the product case.

A lot certificate of analysis is generated with the analytical results obtained, including the concentration reporting limits and units of measurement, for Pre-cleaned and Certified products. This certificate of analysis is included in each product case.

Wash protocols for these bottles include; A1 (Nitric acid wash), B1 (Deionized water wash), C1 (Hydrochloric acid wash), and L3 (no wash). Some bottles are chemically preserved.

Secondary uses include containment, bench vessels, and archiving. Please refer to the applicable Certificate of Analysis for certified analytes and corresponding reporting limits.

Ordering information: Container measurements and capacity "contain" volumes may vary.
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