Komet, Magnetic Stirring Bars, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
50087924 50087930 50087909 50087902
CA89030-776PK 502.98 CAD
CA89030-776 CA89030-778 CA89030-780 CA89030-782
Komet, Magnetic Stirring Bars, Thermo Scientific
Stirrers Magnetic Stirring Bars
Generate higher torque than conventional stirring bars with Komet Stir Bars.

  • Magnetic power two to three times higher than that of conventional bars
  • Magnetic properties remain for many years

Komet magnetic stirring bars made from SmCo (Samarium Cobalt) have a PTFE coating which means they can be sterilised. Particularly recommended for high speed stirring, liquids with a high viscosity and stirring in vessels where there is a large distance between stirrer and stirring bar, such as measuring cyliners.
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