Neo-Clear® Xylene Substitute, EMD Millipore
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Neo-Clear® is a non hazardous alternative to xylene. It is virtually odourless, compatible with most high purity solvents and is characterised by lower evaporation rates than xylene, making it a lower health risk.
Neo-Clear® is an aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture that can substitute the same applications as xylene in the histo-medical lab - histoprocessing, deparaffination and clearing after dehydration in staining process
It is not necessary to change methods or incubation times when using Neo-Clear® instead of xylene. As the evaporation rate of Neo-Clear® is lower then xylene, it has less odor and the disturbing smell in the lab is reduced significantly. Neo-Clear® is more sensitive against water in solvents (turbidity can occur), thus, it is essential to avoid technical qualities of solvents. It is an IVD registered product and CE certified, thus can be used for clinical diagnostic purposes.
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