AccuTarget™ Predesigned and Validated siRNA Library, Bioneer

Supplier: BIONEER, INC.

SDO-1006 SDO-1001 SDO-1002 SDO-1003 SDO-1004 SDH-1006 SDH-1001 SDH-1002 SDH-1003 SDH-1004
97060-636EA 86.69 CAD
97060-636 97060-638 97060-640 97060-642 97060-644 97060-646 97060-648 97060-650 97060-652 97060-654 97060-656 97060-658 97060-660 97060-662 97060-664 97060-666 97060-668 97060-670 97060-672 97060-674 97060-676 97060-678 97060-680 97060-682
AccuTarget™ Predesigned and Validated siRNA Library, Bioneer
Nucleic Acid Reagents RNAi

AccuTarget Predesigned siRNA Library offers 32,000 predesigned siRNAs for more than 44,000 target genes from Human, Mouse and Rat.

  • High siRNA knockdown rates
  • 2 of three siRNAs suppress target mRNA levels > 80%
  • Unique design algorithm
  • aximizes siRNA knockdown while minimizing off target effects Competitive pricing: Great value for your research dollar
  • siRNA is supplied as a duplex
  • siRNA Knockdown efficiency data
  • NC (AccuTarget Negative Control) and siRNA concentration at 100 nM
  • Transfection efficiency data
  • PC (AccuTarget GAPDH/ GFP/Luciferase siRNA) and NC (AccuTarget Fluoresceinlabeled Negative Control)

The gene of interest in siRNA library could be search by Gene ID, Symbol, Synonyms, Description, or Accession Number. Then, the predicted siRNA knockdown efficiency could be calculated by choosing the guaranteed yield and purification level. The qPCR primers also can be ordered for siRNA knockdown validation.

AccuTarget validated siRNA are 21 pre-validated libraries most with knockdown rates >80%. Validated siRNAs can be ordered at 10, 20, 50, or 100 nmole scale.

AccuTarget siRNA library can be used in a variety of RNAi experiments like functional genomics and proteomics research, gene expression studies and array analysis.

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