Ideal for molecular biology applications, mechanical and chemical cell lysis, mixing tissue samples, mixing cytogenetic suspensions, and vortexing cell suspensions.
- 230 V model
- Shakes up to 48 microplates at one time
- Shakes traditional or deep-well microplates
- Best-in-Class, five-year warranty
Shaker is also ideal for emulsification of bipolar viscous fluids and for mixing fluids in small diameter tubes
Tray can be modified for other vessels up to 12.7 cm (5") high and 3.2kg (7lbs.) in weight. Tray assembly height is adjustable from 3.2mm (1/8") to 12.7 cm (5") to accommodate most microplates, especially deep-well microplates. The unit’s 12 suction cup feet and 22.7kg (50lbs.) weight prevent shaker from “walking” across the lab bench. Aluminum tray.
Pulsing feature allows the user to program the unit to stop and start at a wide range of intervals. The repetitive stopping and starting action enhances the mixing action and is needed for difficult mixing applications, such as emulsification of highly viscous liquids or bipolar liquids. Shaker comes with an RS-232 interface.
Specifically designed to shake and/or vortex microplates in timed or continuous modes. Shaker features programmable speed from 600 to 2500rpm (±25rpm), and programmable timed mode from 1 to 9999 seconds (166 minutes). Speed and time are easily adjusted with the up/down arrows on the front panel. Length of time is displayed for continuous mode, and time remaining is displayed for timed mode.
Certifications: RoHS certified. CE Marked, UL listed. Calibrated Shakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP under Laboratory Code 105013-0 to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.
Ordering information: Unit includes a 92" (234 cm) Euro type plug.
Caution: 230 V model.