HyClone™ Iron-Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum, HyClone products (Cytiva)

Supplier: Cytiva
SH30072.03 3007203IR25-40 3007204IH25-40 3007204IR30-45 SH30072.02HI SH30072.03 SH30072.04
16777-022EA 177.58 CAD
16777-022 CA76324-866 CA76324-870 CA76324-868 CA76324-926 CA16777-018 CA76237-682 CA16777-022 CA82013-580 CA82011-500 CA76237-684
HyClone™ Iron-Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum, HyClone products (Cytiva)
Sera (Serum)
HyClone™ iron-supplemented bovine calf serum contains additional iron to boost serum transferrin levels to physiological levels.

  • Sourced in the USA with complete traceability back to original source
  • Cost-effective alternative to FBS
  • Age of animal at time of collection approximately 16 to 24 weeks
  • Low in antibodies and high in growth factors
  • Virus panel testing according to 9 CFR 113.53
  • Supplemented with iron and growth-promoting factors

HyClone Iron-Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum, U.S. origin is collected by venipuncture from formula-fed veal calves, which produce exceptionally high levels of transferrin. This serum is carefully supplemented with iron to load serum transferrin levels to physiological levels. Bovine calf serum products, when supplemented, can provide three to four times as much available iron as FBS. In many applications, the performance of calf serum will equal or even surpass that of FBS.

Iron-supplemented Bovine Calf Serum, U.S. origin is filtered through sequential 100 nm (0.1 µm) pore size-rated filters. Before dispensing, each lot of serum is pooled using true pool technology to ensure uniformity and consistency between bottles.
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