Hypersil GOLD™ HILIC HPLC Columns, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
26502-052130 26502-102130 26502-152130 26503-011001 26503-012101 26503-052130 26503-102130 26503-103030 26503-151030 26505-152130 26505-154630 26505-254630 26503-152130 26503-153030 26503-154630 26505-014001 26505-052130 26505-102130 26505-103030
10041-916EA 2056.97 CAD
10041-916 10041-922 10041-924 10041-928 10041-930 10041-932 10041-934 10041-936 10041-938 10041-940 10041-942 10041-944 10041-946 10041-948 10041-952 10041-956 10041-960 10041-964 10045-790 10045-792 10045-794 10045-802 10045-804 10045-810 10045-812
Hypersil GOLD™ HILIC HPLC Columns, Thermo Scientific
Chromatography Columns
Retain highly polar and hydrophilic analytes, which are difficult to analyze with conventional C18 columns, using Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ HILIC (hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography) HPLC columns.

These columns deliver straightforward separation without the need for sample derivatization or ion-pair reagents. Featuring outstanding peak shape and selectivity, the columns provide improved sensitivity for MS detection. With 1.9, 3, and 5 µm particle sizes, Hypersil GOLD HILIC columns are ideal for applications within drug discovery, food testing, and environmental analysis.

Ordering information: Guard cartridges require use of corresponding Thermo Scientific UNIGUARD Holders. Cartridges with a 1 mm int.Ø require the 1 mm UNIGUARD holder (10046-746), 2.1/3 mm int.Ø require the 2/3 mm UNIGUARD holder (10046-748) and 4/4.6 mm int.Ø require the 4/4.6 mm UNIGUARD holder (10046-744).
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