CatchPoint® Cyclic-AMP/Cyclic-GMP Fluorescent Assay Kits, Molecular Devices


R8044 R8053 R8088 R8089 R8065 R8074 R8075 R8044 R8053 R8088 R8089 R8065 R8074 R8075
10048-852EA 4259.65 CAD
10048-852 10048-922 10048-924 10048-926 10048-928 10048-932 10048-934 CA10048-852 CA10048-922 CA10048-924 CA10048-926 CA10048-928 CA10048-932 CA10048-934
CatchPoint® Cyclic-AMP/Cyclic-GMP Fluorescent Assay Kits, Molecular Devices
Assays Cellular Assays

CatchPoint® Cyclic-AMP Fluorescent Assay Kit: Cell signaling via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can be assessed by monitoring the downstream effectors calcium or cyclic AMP (cAMP).

  • High affinity reagents
  • Robust format
  • Rapid signal development
  • Quantitative method

Monitoring levels of cAMP, a second messenger produced in response to activation of adenylate cyclase, is one of the most common ways to screen for agonists and antagonists of GPCRs.

High affinity reagents are optimized for sensitivity when cAMP levels are low, ensuring results when other assays fail. Robust format resists interference from colored or fluorescent compounds, improving reliability of results. Rapid signal development (<10 min.) and no termination step give users a flexible read time that is compatible with automation and high-throughput screening. Quantitative method allows accurate determination of cAMP in samples.

CatchPoint® Cyclic-GMP Fluorescent Assay Kit: The second messenger cyclic GMP (cGMP) modulates cellular processes, including smooth muscle relaxation, kidney function, and inflammation, by activating effectors such as protein kinases, cGMP-dependent phosphodiesterases, and cGMP-gated ion channels.

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