Tungsten Wire Filaments, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
73842 73840 73939-1 73938-1 73844 73938-3
100488-514EA 101.37 CAD
100488-514 100488-512 100489-590 100501-914 100502-716 100489-588
Tungsten Wire Filaments, Electron Microscopy Sciences
V-shaped filaments are high purity, vacuum grade tungsten wire 0.02" (0.50 mm) diameter, V-shaped filaments ½" (12.7mm) deep, with a bottom angle of 45°, either single wire or triple strand.

Coiled filaments are single or 3-strand coiled tungsten filaments, 0.5 mm (0.002") diameter wires.
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