MAC Thin Film Standards for TEM, Electron Microscopy Sciences
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
These standards are supplied as fine powders that are dispersed onto holey-carbon films and are selected from the range of certified natural and synthetic compounds already in use to prepare bulk analysis standards.
- The holey-carbon films are supported by a 3.05 mm copper grid (400 mesh)
The Universal set of Thin Film Standards are Ag2Te, BaSO4, Be3Al2Si6O18, Bi2Se3, CaMoO4, CaWO4, CdTe, CeAl2, Cu2S, FeCr2O4, GaAs, Gd3Ga5O12, HgTe, InP, InSb, KAlSi3O8, LaB6, Li2Ta2O6, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, Na3AlF6, Pb-Ge glass, SrTiO3, TlBr, ZnS, ZrSiO4.
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