SEM Finder Grids, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
80101-NI 80101-CU
100495-326EA 367.22 CAD
100495-326 100495-324
SEM Finder Grids, Electron Microscopy Sciences
Graticules, Reticles and Grids
These two new SEM grids are designed to aid in the identification and localization of SEM specimens when placed on standard SEM stubs. The SEMF2 allows for easy characterization and analysis of particles and suspensions. The SEMF3 uses an alpha-numeric index, allowing up to 25 predetermined specimens to be fixed and then located in a SEM.

Type SEMF1: Referring to the annular rim identifies north, south, east and west. The four quadrant markers are tapered towards the center. 100 Radial sectors are identified by reference to decimal numbers in the annular rim and alphabet letters in the four quadrants.

Type SEMF2: The larger cells are identified using numbers from 1 – 57. Each large cell is sub-divided into 4, making a total of 228 identifiable cells by reference to their number and geographical location.

Type SEMF3: The 25 cells are identified by reference to their alpha-numeric position. The large asymmetric cut-out feature in the rim enables the right view to be easily obtained when placing on a SEM stub.
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