Samco™ General-Purpose Transfer Pipettes, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
336 336-1S 336-20S 202 202-1S 202-20S 204 273 273-1S 273-20S 691 335-11 335-1S 204-20S 204-1S 202-10S 273 273-1S 691-20S
14670-001CS 1623.48 CAD
14670-001 14670-003 14670-006 14670-103 14670-114 14670-147 14670-149 14670-417 14670-418 14670-419 14670-454 14670-468 73990-014 73990-016 73990-092 73990-098 73990-144 490014-700 490014-702 490014-708
Samco™ General-Purpose Transfer Pipettes, Thermo Scientific
Pipettes Pasteur/Transfer Pipettes
Samco™ General-Purpose Transfer Pipettes feature a built-in pipette bulb that eliminates the need for plugging, packaging, and autoclaving.

This also prevents cross-contamination. Transfer Pipettes are made of shatterproof, nontoxic polyethylene. Their low-affinity surface reduces loss of cells and valuable proteins due to binding. They can be frozen in liquid nitrogen, or heat-sealed for storage.
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