Barnstead™ GenPure™ xCAD Plus Water Purification Systems, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
50136151 50136152 50136151 50136153 50136146 50136169 50136172 50136170 50136171
89414-720EA 23858 CAD
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Barnstead™ GenPure™ xCAD Plus Water Purification Systems, Thermo Scientific
Water Purification Systems Pure and Ultra Pure Water Systems
The Barnstead GenPure xCAD Plus water purification systems provides up to 200L/day of Type 1, ultrapure (18.2 megohm) water from pre-treated feed water

The GenPure xCAD Plus systems offer highly versatile mounting options. The units can be mounted on the wall, on the bench or under the bench. The xCAD remote dispenser can be mounted on the wall or on the bench for maximum flexibility. In addition, up to two additional remote dispensers can be added to create up to three work stations from one water system.

The GenPure xCAD systems are offered in a variety of configurations to meet a wide range of applications needs.
The GenPure xCAD systems are ideal for atomic absorption, ion chromatography or other analytical procedures.
The GenPure xCAD UV systems are ideal for inorganic and organic trace analysis, HPLC, or ICP-MS.
The GenPure xCAD UF systems are ideal for microbiology, IVF, or monoclonal antibody applications.
The GenPure xCAD UV/UF systems are ideal for molecular biology, PCR, DNA work, cell or tissue culture media.
In addition the UV and UV/UF models can be ordered with an optional TOC monitor for applications that require TOC monitoring in addition to TOC removal. Both models with TOC monitoring include UV intensity monitoring to ensure TOC readings are accurate.

All GenPure xCAD systems include: feed water monitoring to protect your consumables, quick discconnects to make changing consumables easy, all core consumables and tubing, RS232 port, full control xCAD remote dispenser, and volumetric dispensing capability.

Remote dispenser working radius: 80 cm (32")

Certifications: CSA, CE.

Ordering information: Units come standard with universal power supply (90-240V, 50.60Hz), all necessary tubing to connect to water inlet supply. Feed water must be pre-treated source such as deionized, distilled or treated by reverse osmosis. Alternative units are available that can make Type 1 water from tap water if a source of pre-treated feedwater is not available.
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