illustra GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kits, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva

25-6600-31 25-6600-32 25-6600-30
CA95040-352LEA 1883.42 CAD
CA95040-352L CA95040-354L CA95042-266L
illustra GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kits, Cytiva
Nucleic Acid Reagents Isothermal Amplification Reagents

illustra™ GenomiPhi™ V2 DNA Amplification Kit, part of the Phi29 DNA polymerase family, is for mini-scale genomic DNA preparation. The protocol is simple. A typical DNA yield of 4 to 7 µg DNA can be achieved in less than two hours with limited hands-on time. The average product length is >10 kb. The starting material for GenomiPhi reactions can be purified DNA from any commercial kit or homebrew method, or non purified cell lysate.

  • Quick mini-scale genomic DNA preparation: 4 to 7 μg in <2 hours
  • One simple protocol for all different types of source material
  • Representative amplification of the whole genome
  • High quality DNA for restriction enzyme digestion, hybridisation, cloning, array CGH high throughput genotyping, and DNA archival

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