Mesh skin and spaghetti strip filler design is excellent for pulling in thick oil or for use in fast-moving waters.
- Absorbs and retains oils and oil-based liquids, including lubricants and fuels, without absorbing a drop of water
- Ideal for use on land, but also floats to clean up oil-based liquids on water
- Attached string conveniently allows socks to be tied down, tied together or dipped in non-corrosive wash baths
- Skin is UV resistant up to 12 months; meets NFPA 99 standards for static decay
- Recycled content is ideal when green products are desired or required. Not recommended for use with acids, bases or other corrosive liquids
Tough outer mesh is UV resistant for long-term outdoor use without degradation; lets fluids easily pass through to filler material. Rope running along length of boom withstands up to 400-lb. loads, adding strength for deployment and retrieval. Boom floats at surface for easy retrieval, even when saturated.