Kuderna-Danish Evaporative Concentrator, with Clamps, Ace Glass Incorporated

Supplier: Ace Glass
6708-08 6708-09 6708-10 6708-20 6708-26 6708-27 6708-28
89055-896EA 209.41 CAD
89055-896 89055-898 89055-900 89055-910 89055-912 89055-914 89055-916
Kuderna-Danish Evaporative Concentrator, with Clamps, Ace Glass Incorporated
This Kuderna-Danish evaporative apparatus is used to concentrate materials in volatile solvents

It combines rapidity, simplicity, and quantitative efficiency, including the minimization of entrainment escape and transfer losses. The flask has a [ST] 19/22 inner joint on the bottom, and a reinforced [ST] 24/40 outer joint on top. The flask also comes complete with one 89059-612 [ST] 24/40 plastic clip to connect the top of the flask to the column, and one 89059-610 [ST] 19/22 plastic clip to connect the bottom of the flask to the receiver (receivers have [ST] 19/22 outer joint at top). Column has a [ST] 24/40 reinforced outer joint at top, and a [ST] inner joint at bottom for connection to the flask. All components (except clips) are fabricated from borosilicate glass.

Ordering information: To obtain a complete item, purchase (separately) a 89055-650 Snyder distillation column, 250 mL, 500 mL, or 1000 mL flask, receiver (graduated or not graduated), and 89062-852 solid glass stopper.
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