Firestone Rotary Evaporator, Ace Glass Incorporated

Supplier: Ace Glass
6714-04 6714-06 6714-07 6714-08 6714-22 6714-24 6714-36 6714-40 6714-55
89055-924EA 796.58 CAD
89055-924 89055-926 89055-928 89055-930 89055-934 89055-936 89055-940 89055-942 89055-944
Firestone Rotary Evaporator, Ace Glass Incorporated
Evaporators Rotary Evaporators
The Firestone Rotary Evaporator is available with a 10mm hollow glass or stainless steel (for larger capacity flasks) shaft

A 2mm straight bore stopcock attaches to the drying tube and/or McLeod gauge. One arm of a 4mm bore double oblique stopcock attaches to a dry ice trap and vacuum line. The other arm is for easy vacuum release, and it can be connected to a trap. All of the glass components are fabricated from borosilicate glass.

Other components are PTFE and glass-filled PTFE. It can be used with any lab stirring motor. The apparatus features a [ST] 14/20 or [ST] 24/40 joint at one end for connection to a flask, and holes drilled near the center for vacuum. The device attaches to a laboratory stirring motor via a chuck. The shaft/tube turns inside a PTFE bearing held in #15 Ace-Threds by a glass-filled PTFE bushing, compression saddle with O-Ring, and lock nut.

Ordering information: Complete item is supplied with appropriate hollow glass or stainless steel tube/shaft, glass body joint clamp (89055-924), two glass/PTFE bushings with O-Rings (89061-864), two glass/PTFE lock nuts (89061-868), two compression saddles (89061-870), and PTFE bearing (89055-926). Optional equipment (not supplied) includes [ST] 14/20 splash guard (89051-468), [ST] 24/25 splash guard (89051-470), and a 91.4cm, complete flexible shaft (89062-050). Stirring motor, chuck, flask, and splash guard are not included and must be purchased separately.
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