You Searched For: Water Baths, Stirred
476 results were found
5100 West Henrietta Rd • PO Box 92912 • Rochester NY 14692-9012 • p: 800 962-2660 • f: 800 635-8439 • ward's+boreal env.lh.indd 2 12/7/2012 9:34:30 AM Conditions for Ownership Never purchase living specimens without having a dispositio...
Blackworms Conditions for Customer Ownership (per USDA Permits) We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. There...
Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. There are currently no USDA permits...
Barium Metal
Revised on 06/20/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Barium Metal 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Barium Metal Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 84.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemical ...
Freshwater Mussels
Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. The USDA does not require any speci...
Case Study: Tangerine Dreams— Irrigating a Citrus Grove with the Help of Masterflex
Case Study: Tangerine Dreams— Irrigating a Citrus Grove with the Help of Masterflex ~~Since my water flow rates can vary from 20 to 250 gallons per minute (GPM) depending on need the pump and tubing combination is ideal~~ Imagine standing in the m...
Layout 1
Layout 1 Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. The USDA does not require ...
Titration and Karl Fischer determination
Titration and Karl Fischer determination Titration and Karl Fischer determination Titration and Water determination are really common in all R&D and QC Labs. To perform in these 2 methods you need a large range of accurate products. Volumetric sol...
Gr 4 temp probe
Thermal Insulators and Conductors Grade 4: Temperature Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 This is an activity where students demonstrate and observe the effects that different materi...
kindergarten temp probe- final
Feel the heat Kindergarten: Temperature Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 This is a teacher-led whole class inquiry activity where students demonstrate and observe the effects of su...
Medicinal Leeches
Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. • There are currently no USDA permi...
Small Toads
Small Toads Conditions for Customer Ownership (per USDA Permits) We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. • Th...
Determination of Pestcide Residues in Red Wine The
1 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection Mike Oliver Thermo Scientific Runcorn UK This application presents a fast easy and cost-effective method for the determination of...
Working with Insects
Working with Insect Cultures Blowflies and Fleshflies Calliphora sp. Sarcophaga bullata In addition to blowflies and fleshflies the order Diptera also includes mosquitoes midges and sawflies. All of these insects provide examples of complete metam...
Specimen Dissection Tips and FAQs
Specimen Dissection Tips and FAQs Questions about dissection or want to know more about how our specimens are produced and prepared? Find all the information you need below. Tips for Dissection For the safest easiest and most effective dissection ...
Final fill for gene therapy
Final fill for gene therapy Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an...
81 - 96 of 476