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ppq526.PDF According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information is 0579-0054. The time r...

Terms and disclaimers for promotions & sampling programs sponsored by VWR, part of Avantor

Terms and disclaimers for promotions & sampling programs sponsored by VWR part of Avantor To redeem promotional or sample offers please follow the directions and guidelines listed with each specific program. When required include your VWR purchase...

Process Filtration System Products for Biopharma Production

Process Filtration Products for Biopharma Our process water filtration systems deliver critical filtration at high flow rates for cooling water systems in any type of manufacturing plant. These process filtration products help provide clean water ...

Gr 4 motion probe

Speedy Energy Grade 4: Motion Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 This is an interactive inquiry where students will investigate the speed of an object and the energy it exerts as it ...

Building Shopping Lists

Building Shopping Lists Shopping Lists eliminate the need to search for your favorite products every time you order. There are two simple ways to build Personal Shopping Lists: Add individual items from a product page Upload a list that you've cre...

Charging & Storage Solutions

Charging & Storage Solutions Build Your Complete Probeware Tablet and Storage Solution Shop the Ward’s Mobile Charging Cart Store Organize & Charge Up to 16 Ward’s DataHub Units + Up to 16 Tablet Computers Compatible with iPad Android and Ward's S...

Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy Installation, Qualification, Repair, Preventive Maintenance, and Service Contracts

Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy Installation Qualification Repair Preventive Maintenance and Service Contracts Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Avantor Services helps you maintain the accuracy and ...

Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy Installation, Qualification, Repair, Preventive Maintenance, and Service Contracts

Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy Installation Qualification Repair Preventive Maintenance and Service Contracts Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Avantor Services helps you maintain the accuracy and ...

Building Shopping Lists

Building Shopping Lists Shopping Lists eliminate the need to search for your favorite products every time you order. There are two simple ways to build Personal Shopping Lists: Add individual items from a product page Upload a list that you've cre...

Quantabio Genomics Products

Quantabio Genomics Products Quantabio is a leading provider of advanced DNA and RNA amplification reagents for the most demanding molecular testing applications in applied translational and life science research. Following a partnership with Invit...

Disciplines VWR l'un

Disciplines VWR l'un des premiers distributeurs mondiaux d'équipements de fournitures de produits chimiques et de mobilier pour les milieux scientifiques est présent sur les marchés industriels gouvernementaux et pharmaceutiques ainsi que sur les ...

Easy, Affordable Technology, Endless Possibilites

Easy Affordable Technology Endless Possibilites Ward’s Single Probes The only modular probeware collection designed specifically for elementary and middle school users Ward's Single Probes gives you the flexibility to choose only the sensors you n...

Ward's DataHub

Ward's DataHub Ward's DataHub Introducing Ward’s DataHub. Discover 12 or More Probes in One Wireless Unit with Instant Analysis on Your iPad! The power of twelve the convenience of one. A complete wireless probeware system in the palm of your hand...

Ansell Guardian Whitepaper

FOCUS ON SAFETY An integrated approach to improve your business performance WORKPLACE INJURIES ARE STILL A BIG PROBLEM In 2015 there were approximately 2.9 million nonfatal work- place injuries and illnesses such as burns lacerations cuts and frac...

OpenSciEd and Ward's Science Kits

OpenSciEd and Ward's Science Kits OpenSciEd and Ward's Science Kits Coming early 2023! Planning to use OpenSciEd curriculum for your lessons this year? OpenSciEd is an incredible way to get free high-quality research-based course curriculum for yo...

Eclipses, An Epic Event to Engage Everyone!

Eclipses An Epic Event to Engage Everyone! Get your Earth & Space Science resources ready now. Eclipses An Epic Event to Engage Everyone! Eclipse Products and Resources Save the date! On April 8 2024 a total solar eclipse will cross North America ...
113 - 128 of 1,289