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You Searched For: Fmoc-N-Me-Ile-OH

63  results were found

Limonite 800-962-2660 Limonite FeO • OH • nH2O Crystallography: Not crystallized a mineral colloid. Usually stalactitic botryoidal or mammillary; also fibrous massive earthy. Physical Properties: Cleavage: None apparent. Hardness: 5.0-5.5. Spec...

Hornblende 800-962-2660 Hornblende (CaNa)2-3 (MgFeAl)5 SI6 (SiAl)2 O22 (OH)2 (Amphibole Group) Crystallography: Monoclinic: 2/m. Crystals prismatic usually terminated by {011}. May be columnar to fibrous; coarse-to fine-granular. Physical Propert...

Experience Science Olympiad at Home

Experience Science Olympiad at Home With Elementary Science Olympiad Signature Kits Experience Science Olympiad at Home Exclusively available from Ward’s Science in partnership with Science Olympiad Elementary Science Olympiad Signature Kits encou...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Muscovite K Al2 (Si3 Al) O10 (OH F)2 (Mica Group) Crystallography: Monoclinic; 2/m. Distinct crystals rare; usually tabular with prominent {001}. Usually in lamellar masses or small flakes. Foliated in large t...

ALL OH Permit P526P 17 01042 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests Noxious Weeds and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 330 T...

A Balance for Every Need

A Balance for Every Need 70 Years of Innovation Since 1945 METTLER TOLEDO has pioneered weighing solutions and continue to revolutionize the industry to meet customer demands in the laboratory. With three distinct performance levels backed by the ...

~~3502 DIACETONE ALCOHOL (French) ANACHEMIA MSDS Canada/4 pages/V. 2.2~~

3502 DIACETONE ALCOHOL (French) ANACHEMIA MSDS Canada/4 pages/V. 2.2 CAS# 123-42-2 Code AC-2863T Poids moléculaire Remplacement 116.16 ALCOOL DIACÉTONIQUE (CH3)2C(OH)CH2COCH3 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone 2-Methyl-2-Pentanol-4-none AC-2863T 31188...

Microsoft Word - SDS and hazards.docx

Microsoft Word - SDS and hazards.docx VWR International LLC  Radnor Corporate Center Building One Suite 200 P.O. Box 6660 100 Matsonford Road Radnor PA 19087  610.431.1700 |  November 15 2016 Safety Data Sheets and Bacteria and Fungi Pleas...

ALL ME Permit P526P 17 02116 20190423

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests Noxious Weeds and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 330 T...

ALL IL Permit P526P 17 00993 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests Noxious Weeds and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 330 T...

Leica Compound Microscopes

Leica Compound Microscopes Get insights into the smallest details and inspect and document results efficiently with Life Science compound microscopes from Leica Microsystems. Each solution can be customized with brilliant cool LED illumination erg...

~~VWR.COM - Terms and Conditions~~

VWR.COM - Terms and Conditions Dernière mise à jour : octobre 2018 Conditions générales de vente de VWR 1) Définitions. a) « contrat » s’entend des présentes conditions générales de vente. b) « renseignements confidentiels » s’entend de tous les r...

Live Materials Care and Handling

Live Materials Care and Handling Dear Customer Welcome to the new Live Materials Literature from Ward's Science. This valuable resource features Instructional and Informational Literature sheets for the most popular live specimens in our collectio...

Laboratory supplies inventory management

Laboratory supplies inventory management Keeps your laboratory running optimally Our proprietary cloud-based global inventory management tool designed for you to manage the consumption and replenishment of all your lab supplies Avantor's Inventory...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation Forensic DNA Fingerprinting: Using Restriction Enzymes Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Center Science Chair Tr...
17 - 32 of 63