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You Searched For: Cadmium Standards

525  results were found

Same-day whole-plasmid sequencing in your lab

Same-day whole-plasmid sequencing in your lab Webinar Tuesday April 26th 2022 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EDT Replay Plasmids are a fundamental tool in molecular biology and verification of the cloned plasmid sequence is essential to ensure that no er...

Electric Fusion/Cupellation Furnace

Electric Fusion/Cupellation Furnace High-quality firebrick and insulating refractories Four non-metallic silicon carbide heating elements Power and control accessories wired in base of furnace Two digital temperature controllers Manually operated ...

Masterflex® Peristaltic Pump Tubing

Masterflex® Peristaltic Pump Tubing Accept no substitutes — Precision extruded & pump tested formulations engineered to provide the highest quality for tubing life pressure and suction lift. Masterflex brand pump tubing is custom extruded to fit M...

Ward's Science Engage Kits

Ward's Science Engage Kits Hands-on inquiry-based learning made easy! Ward's Science Engage Kits Ward’s Science Engage Kits exclusively available through Boreal Science save you time and incorporate inquiry-based learning methodology so you can gu...

Advancements and Applications of mRNA Therapeutics

mRNA Therapeutics Through Gene Modulation and Cancer Immunotherapy mRNA therapeutics represents a groundbreaking approach to gene modulation and cancer immunotherapy that holds immense potential in transforming the landscape of medical treatments....

Mass Spectrometry Instruments for Analytical Chemistry

Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry is an important tool when specific compounds and materials must be identified with a high degree of precision. Among its uses are food quality and safety drug testing analyzing pesticide residue protein identifi...

Terms and disclaimers for promotions & sampling programs sponsored by VWR, part of Avantor

Terms and disclaimers for promotions & sampling programs sponsored by VWR part of Avantor To redeem promotional or sample offers please follow the directions and guidelines listed with each specific program. When required include your VWR purchase...

~~azure biosystems improve fluorescent western blots~~

Fluorescent Western blots are the gold standard for quantitative Westerns. They are ideal for detecting multiple proteins simultaneously (multi-plexing) allowing in-lane normalization and detection of your protein of interest and loading control a...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation pGLO™ Transformation and Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Cente...

Innovation that makes a difference.

Innovation that makes a difference. You researcher play a critical role in our health and the health of the planet. With every successful assay a problem is solved and new possibilities are brought to life. With every failed assay a potential answ...


TECHNICAL NOTE Can a pipette tip really improve your results? Traditional pipette tips can have several issues that compromise results including: nonspecific binding of sample to the pipette tip droplet formation and poor fit. Engineers at Biotix ...

Living Specimens

Living Specimens Get high-quality equipment media organisms and practical guides to enrich your lesson plans that inspire students at every grade level to learn Life Science concepts. Our products are aligned with your teaching topics whether this...

Cannabis and Hemp

Cannabis and Hemp In the rapidly growing Cannabis and Hemp industry Avantor is your source to ensure a dependable supply chain of products from cultivation through packaging providing solutions for growing testing extraction and formulation. Wheth...

Ismatec: Tubing Selection Guide

Ismatec: Tubing Selection Guide Selecting Your Tubing To complete your Ismatec pumping system order two- or three-stop color-coded tubing or nominal tubing. A variety of materials and sizes are available as well as extension tubing. Tubing Types T...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation ELISA Immuno Exlorer TM : Antibodies in Agriculture From Mad Cow to GMOs Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Cente...

Advantages of removing downstream bottlenecks

Advantages of Removing Downstream Bottlenecks Eliminating downstream process bottlenecks has various advantages to establishing a promising future for biopharmaceutical manufacturing. By addressing bottlenecks such as inefficient purification step...
257 - 272 of 525