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You Searched For: 4-Butoxy-2,3-difluorophenylboronic acid

351  results were found

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing Advantages: Specially formulated to transport hydrocarbons petroleum products and distillates. Suitable for gasoline kerosene heating oils cutting fluids and glycol-based coolants. Minimum extractability....

Life Science Reagents

Life Science Reagents The Life Science field demands skilled scientists modern equipment and high purity reagents that produce repeatable results. Employing advanced synthesis refinement and analysis techniques TCI offers numerous world-class life...

~~PCR E1 Combi~~

TECHNICAL NOTE E1-ClipTip multichannel pipettes The E1-ClipTip Equalizer electronic pipette and Multidrop Combi Reagent Dispensers help improve the efficiency of preparing samples for RT-PCR and effort in these steps the Multidrop Combi Reagent Di...

9828 International Wards Essentials ChemicalFlyerH

Essentials +ward’sscience Ward’s Science Essentials Chemicals List We have all the chemicals you need! • Save time and stock your chemical with Ward’s Chemicals • Largest selection of chemicals • Designed for chemistry education • Chemicals for ev...

Masterflex® Technical Support

Masterflex® Technical Support From product selection and applications to technical advice or troubleshooting. Our technical experts are ready to help. In the United States and U.S. Possessions: Masterflex 100 Matsonford Road Building One Suite 200...


Chemicals VWR is a manufacturer of laboratory chemicals and has a complete line of acids solvents salts and chemical solutions to suit the demanding requirements of any mining laboratory. Many of our laboratory chemicals are produced at Anachemia’...

Bials Reagent

Revised on 01/22/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Bial’s Reagent 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bial’s Reagent Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 96.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemi...

Aceto Carmine Solution 2percent

Revised on 06/19/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Aceto-Carmine Solution 2% 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Aceto-Carmine Solution 2% Synonyms/Generic Names: Acetocarmine SDS Number: 5.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only...


ppq526.PDF According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information is 0579-0054. The time r...

Layout 1

Layout 1 Working with Hydra Working with Hydra Introduction Hydra are freshwater coelenterates found throughout the world. They range in size from less than 1 mm to 5 mm. Their simple structure consists of a polyp — a slender stalk with a row of t...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Sulfur S Crystallography: Orthorhombic; 2/m2/m2/m. Crystals commonly dipyramidal; thick tabular on {001.} Also massive in spherical or reniform shapes incrusting earthy. Physical Properties: Cleavage: None. Fr...

Facility Management & Protection

Facility Management & Protection Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor offers a broad range of products to keep the facility clean safe and ordered. Safety Laboratory Facilities Maintenance & Protection E...

Custom Peptide Synthesis Service

Custom Peptide Synthesis Service Avantor is excited to announce that we are partnering with our top qualified vendor CHI Scientific Inc. to offer custom peptide synthesis service with numerous options of synthesis platforms purity levels modificat...

How to safely store chemicals

How to safely store chemicals Not only is clean and organized storage paramount to running an efficient lab or production space but safety depends on it when working with chemicals. By sorting your chemical materials into specific groupings you ca...

Organic Compounds Bu

Organic Compounds Building Blocks and Intermediates Organic compounds are gaseous liquid or solid chemical and whose molecules contain carbon. Unlike most other elements carbon forms strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to a wide variety of othe...


B Balsam Canada Natural in Xylene Balsam Canada Synthetic in Xylene Balsam Canada Barfoed Reagent Barium Carbonate Barium Chloride 1.0M Barium Chloride Anhydrous Barium Chloride Dihydrate Barium Chloride Quickprep Barium Hydroxide 8-Hydrate Barium...
97 - 112 of 351