You Searched For: 3,5-Dinitrobenzyl+alcohol
206 results were found
Balsam Canada Synthetic in Xylene
Revised on 06/21/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Balsam Canada Synthetic in Xylene 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Balsam Canada Synthetic in Xylene Synonyms/Generic Names: Canada Balsam; Balsam Canada SDS Number: 76.00 Prod...
/ 800-962-2660 Sphalerite (ZnFe) S Crystallography: Isometric; 43m. Crystals usually tetrahedral or dodecahedral and often distorted and complex; rough curved faces common. Usually in cleavable masses coarse to fine granular. Physical Pr...
Balsam Canada
Revised on 06/20/2013 Page 1 of 5 Safety Data Sheet Balsam Canada 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Balsam Canada Synonyms/Generic Names: Canada Balsam; Balsam Canada SDS Number: 74.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufa...
BS Element of Month Oxygen IA
/ of Month_Oxygen_IA.pdf
1 All About Elements: Oxygen | 800-387-9393 2 3 Fun Facts About… Oxygen 1. Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere nearly half the mass of the earth’s crust and about two thirds of the human body. It is the third most...
+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Dolomite CaMg (CO₃)₂ Crystallography: Hexagonal-R; 3. Crystals usually unit rhombohedron or a steep rhombohedron and base; faces often curved. Twinning common. Also coarse granular cleavable masses to fine-gra...
VWR® REDISHIP Rely on VWR® REDISHIP for fast shipping If you need essential in-stock laboratory furniture quickly to meet rapidly changing production or research needs VWR® REDISHIP is your source. Our exclusive inventory program works for you. Ou...
~~EOM Sodium final~~
1 All About Elements: Sodium | 800-962-2660 2 Ward’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essent...
~~EOM Sodium final~~
1 All About Elements: Sodium | 800-962-2660 2 Ward’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essent...
36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Gen Checklists
LABORATORY CHECKLIST Genomics ☐ Plasmid Purification Accessories Colony Screening Column Regeneration Endotoxin-Free Plasmid Isolation Rapid Plasmid Isolation Standard High Purity Plasmid Isolation Yeast Plasmid Isolation ☐ Genomic DNA Purificatio...
~~27806 LabSet-Up-Guide 2021 Genomics checklist~~
LABORATORY CHECKLIST Genomics ☐ Plasmid Purification Standard High Purity Plasmid Isolation Rapid Plasmid Isolation Endotoxin-Free Plasmid Isolation Yeast Plasmid Isolation Colony Screening Column Regeneration Accessories ☐ Genomic DNA Purificatio...
Ammonium Dichromate
Revised on 06/20/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Ammonium Dichromate 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Ammonium Dichromate Synonyms/Generic Names: Ammonium Bichromate; Dichromic acid diammonium salt SDS Number: 44.00 Product U...
Freshwater Snails
Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. • Pond and Ramshorn snails: There a...
Balsam Canada Natural in Xylene
Revised on 06/21/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Balsam Canada Natural in Xylene 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Balsam Canada Natural in Xylene Synonyms/Generic Names: Canada Balsam; Balsam Canada SDS Number: 75.00 Product ...
How to start a lab | VWR
How to Start a Lab Avantor® leverages 35 years of expertise to make sure your lab has everything you need to make the next breakthrough discovery - that’s science by design. Use our new lab set up guide to begin a plan for renovating or creating y...
Q qPCR Cycler
Q qPCR Cycler Q A faster smaller better way to qPCR Q uses a patented magnetic-induction technology to rapidly heat samples coupled with fan-forced air for cooling to acquire data in only 25 minutes. Available in 2- or 4-channel models the robust ...
How to start a lab | VWR
How to Start a Lab Avantor® leverages 35 years of expertise to make sure your lab has everything you need to make the next breakthrough discovery - that’s science by design. Use our new lab set up guide to begin a plan for renovating or creating y...
65 - 80 of 206