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You Searched For: 2,6-Di(1-pyrazolyl)pyridine

110  results were found

Kimble Pipettes

Kimble Pipettes Whether you are transferring or delivering precise liquid samples Kimble® has a pipet that will meet your needs. Accuracy and consistency are mainstays of all our pipet varieties. Kimble® offers micro capillary pipets as small as 0...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation Comparative Proteomics Kit I: Protein Profiler Module Protein Profiler Kit Instructors Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller E...


Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 Crystallography: Triclinic; 1. In very minute thin rhombic or hexagonal plates. More commonly in clay-like masses. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {001} perfect; flexible inelastic. Usually unctuous and plastic. Hardness:...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Nepheline (NaK) AlSiO4 Crystallography: Hexagonal; 6. Rarely in small prismatic crystals with base; more commonly massive compact and in embedded grains. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {1010} distinct. Fractur...

Illite 800-962-2660 Illite (K H3O) (Al Mg Fe)2 (Si Al)4 O10 [(OH)2 H2O] Crystallography: Monoclinic. Crystals not distinguishable; usually in clay-like masses either compact or friable. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {001} perfect but not obs...


Anode Advanced Battery Science – Chemicals & Raw Materials – Anode Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world Avantor offers a broad range of chemicals for anode manufacturing Anode Slurry Mix Active Agent Graphite So...

Masterflex® I/P® Series Peristaltic Pumps

Masterflex® I/P® Series Peristaltic Pumps Process pumping solutions Powerful pumps built to last in challenging process and production environments. Flow range: 0.0006 to 26 LPM Masterflex I/P Series peristaltic pumps have powerful motors and bett...

2 - 4, A

2 - 4 A 26 Dichloroindophenol Solution 0.1Solution 2 6 Dichloroindophenol 4 (t Octyl) Phenol Acid - Alchohol Acetylsalicylic Acid Aceto Orcein Solution 2% Acetone Aceto Carmine Solution 2% Acetic Anhydride Acetic Acid Acetic Acid Solution 10% Acet...

ButterflyOrderForm 2024

2024 Shipping Schedule To Arrive the Week of Order Deadline of Check Date (Your order will arrive this week) (Order any time before this date) to arrive the week of April 1st order by March 8th ————— to arrive the week of April 8th order by March ...

~~Required Equipment~~

Required Equipment Dissolved Oxygen Electrode Quick Help Guide Specifications Concentration Range: 0 to 20 mg/L Temperature Range: 0 to 60°C Response Time: 98% of full response in 90 seconds at 25°C Accuracy: ±0.2 mg/L Pressure: 0-50 PSI Flow cond...

Masterflex® B/T Series Peristaltic Pump for Bulk Transfer | VWR

Masterflex® B/T® Series Peristaltic Pumps Bulk transfer at its best Highest flow rate Flow range: 0.3 to 42 LPM Makes the job efficient Masterflex® B/T Series peristaltic pumps have the highest flow rates of any Masterflex® pump. Their benefits in...

Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives

Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives Reimage bioprocessing NEW integrated sensor technology intuitive touchscreen and MasterflexLive® remote monitoring for the biopharma industry of tomorrow Shop Drives Shop Complete Systems Take your proc...

Determination of Pestcide Residues in Red Wine The

1 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection Mike Oliver Thermo Scientific Runcorn UK This application presents a fast easy and cost-effective method for the determination of...

~~3502 DIACETONE ALCOHOL (English) ANACHEMIA MSDS Canada/4 pages/V. 2.2~~

3502 DIACETONE ALCOHOL (English) ANACHEMIA MSDS Canada/4 pages/V. 2.2 CAS# 123-42-2 Code AC-2863T Formula weight Supersedes 116.16 DIACETONE ALCOHOL (CH3)2C(OH)CH2COCH3 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone 2-Methyl-2-Pentanol-4-none AC-2863T 31188 For l...

Working with Daphnia

Working with Daphnia Diagrammatic Anatomy of a female Daphnia 1. Frontal organ 16. Carapace 2. Esophagus 17. Filter setae 3. Antennal adductor muscles 18. 2nd and 3rd thoracic appendages 4. Antenna 19. Shell gland 5. Antennal levator muscle 20. Ma...
17 - 32 of 110