You Searched For: (3-Chlorophenyl)acetic acid methyl ester
320 results were found
Masterflex® Pharmaceutical Pump & Tubing Solutions | VWR
Masterflex® Pharmaceutical Pump & Tubing Solutions Pharmaceuticals producers have long trusted Masterflex and Ismatec brands of peristaltic pumps for their easy to use contamination-free pumping technology. Our single-use solutions and custom cut ...
Virus Detection
Virus Detection To aide our research community in finding a solution to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic our internal scientists are engaged with our supplier and research communities to provide a protocol for the research use only identification of...
Ammonium Metavanadate
Revised on 06/20/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Ammonium Metavanadate 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Ammonium Metavanadate Synonyms/Generic Names: Vanadic Acid Ammonium Salt Ammonium trioxovanadate SDS Number: 51.00 Produc...
Barium Nitrate
Revised on 06/21/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Barium Nitrate 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Barium Nitrate Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 85.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemi...
WS Element of Month Nitrogen BOREAL Final
/ of Month_Nitrogen BOREAL Final.pdf
1 All About Elements: Nitrogen 2 3 | 800-387-9393 Fun Facts About… Nitrogen 1. Nitrogen is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and it makes up the majority of the earth’s atmosphere at a staggering 78 perc...
Chromatography solutions and resources
Chromatography Products Solutions & Resources Avantor Chromatography and Spectrometry Products Chromatography and spectrometry are important techniques that have many scientific academic and industrial applications. Avantor has a comprehensive ran...
1462 Element of Month Beryllium BS
/ of Month_Beryllium_BS.pdf
1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-387-9393 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glykys meaning sweet. It was ...
Bromocresol Green Solution 0.04percent
Revised on 01/09/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Bromocresol Green Solution 0.04% alcoholic 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bromocresol Green Solution 0.04% alcoholic Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 110.00 Product U...
Chromatography solutions and resources
Chromatography Products Solutions & Resources Avantor Chromatography and Spectrometry Products Chromatography and spectrometry are important techniques that have many scientific academic and industrial applications. Avantor has a comprehensive ran...
~~EOM Beryllium~~
1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glyky...
Bromocresol Purple 0.04percent
Revised on 03/27/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Bromocresol Purple 0.04% alcoholic 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bromocresol Purple 0.04% alcoholic Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 113.00 Product Use: For Educatio...
~~1462 Element of Month Beryllium~~
/ of Month_Beryllium.pdf
1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glyky...
Bromocresol Purple 0.04percent alcoholic
Revised on 06/24/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Bromocresol Purple 0.04% alcoholic 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bromocresol Purple 0.04% alcoholic Synonyms/Generic Names: None SDS Number: 113.00 Product Use: For Educatio...
Ammonium Dichromate
Revised on 06/20/2013 Page 1 of 6 Safety Data Sheet Ammonium Dichromate 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Ammonium Dichromate Synonyms/Generic Names: Ammonium Bichromate; Dichromic acid diammonium salt SDS Number: 44.00 Product U...
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation pGLO™ Transformation and Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Cente...
~~azure biosystems imaging in gel~~
Detecting in-gel fluorescence enables the analysis of protein gels immediately after electrophoresis without staining or Western blotting. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis is a cornerstone of protein analysis. After separation identificat...
241 - 256 of 320