You Searched For: (±)-3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid
329 results were found
/ 800-962-2660 Gypsum CaSO4 • 2H2O Crystallography: Monoclinic; 2/m. Crystals commonly simple in habit; tabular on {010}; diamond- shaped with edges beveled by {120} and {111}. Twinning common on {100}. Also granular massive. Physical Pr...
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies Building upon Stratagene's legacy of excellence Agilent Technologies provides a wide range of high-fidelity specialty and routine molecular biology tools to meet all of your research needs. Agilent's tools span from innovative...
Chemical Storage
Chemical Storage Practice Safe Chemical Storage Safe chemical storage is critical in any school lab or industrial environment. There are a variety of systems to help you safely store and manage your chemicals and it's important to find the right o...
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) Sample Preparation
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) - Sample Preparation Sample preparation is key but often overlooked step in the chromatography process. Every sample is unique and what works for one preparation may not work as well for another. That’s why Ava...
~~1462 Element of Month Beryllium~~
/ of Month_Beryllium.pdf
1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glyky...
Types of mass spectrometry
Types of mass spectrometry Types of mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used to calculate the mass to charge ratio (m/z) of molecules within a sample. This can often be useful for determining the precise molecular weight...
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing Advantages: Designed especially for handling food products; bore is extremely smooth (better than most stainless steels) nontoxic will not affect taste or odor and clear for CIP and flow verification. Excellent nonwetti...
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies Building upon Stratagene's legacy of excellence Agilent Technologies provides a wide range of high-fidelity specialty and routine molecular biology tools to meet all of your research needs. Agilent's tools span from innovative...
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing Advantages: Designed especially for handling food products; bore is extremely smooth (better than most stainless steels) nontoxic will not affect taste or odor and clear for CIP and flow verification. Excellent nonwetti...
Affinity Chromatography Overview
Overview of Affinity Chromatography Affinity chromatography involves the binding affinity between the target protein and a ligand immobilized on a stationary phase within a chromatography column. One of the advantages of affinity chromatography is...
Chemical Storage
Chemical Storage Practice Safe Chemical Storage Safe chemical storage is critical in any school lab or industrial environment. There are a variety of systems to help you safely store and manage your chemicals and it's important to find the right o...
WS Element of Month Nitrogen BOREAL Final
/ of Month_Nitrogen BOREAL Final.pdf
1 All About Elements: Nitrogen 2 3 | 800-387-9393 Fun Facts About… Nitrogen 1. Nitrogen is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and it makes up the majority of the earth’s atmosphere at a staggering 78 perc...
How to Choose a 3D Printer
How to Choose a 3D Printer Ready to explore 3D printing in your classroom but not sure where to start? Use these simple guidelines to help you evaluate your needs and determine the best 3D printer for your classroom and projects. 1. Determine Your...
WS Element of Month Sodium Boreal final
/ of Month_Sodium Boreal final.pdf
1 All About Elements: Sodium 2 | 800-387-9393 Boreal’s All About Elements Series Building Real-World Connections to the Building Blocks of Chemistry The periodic table of elements is an essential part of any chemistry ...
Gene Editing Technology, Tools and Resources | VWR
Gene Editing Technology Tools and Resources Gene Editing is the application area concerned with the intentional alteration of the DNA sequence of a plasmid cell or organism. Gene editing encompasses numerous methods including mutagenesis restricti...
Affinity Chromatography Overview
Overview of Affinity Chromatography Affinity chromatography involves the binding affinity between the target protein and a ligand immobilized on a stationary phase within a chromatography column. One of the advantages of affinity chromatography is...
145 - 160 of 329