You Searched For: M.L.+KISHIGO

2  results were found

Case Study: Masterflex® Microflex® Pump Head Used for Applikon® miniBio Bioreactor

Case Study: Masterflex® Microflex® Pump Head Used for Applikon® miniBio Bioreactor This mini 500-mL bioreactor is currently being used for COVID-19 vaccine research Applikon Biotechnology is a global leader in developing and supplying advanced bio...

Go with the FLOW | Smart. Effective. Innovative.

Go with the FLOW | Smart. Effective. Innovative. See Flowmi in action Flow Cytometry Preparation Scienceware® Flowmi™ Cell Strainers provides fast efficient filtering of small volume samples (up to 1000µl) while providing reduced risk of cytometer...