148 results were found
CORPORATE POLICY Accessibility Policy (Jun 2021) 1 of 5 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy is valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on our Intranet. HUMAN RESOURCES CANADA POLICY Subject: Ac...
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Overview VWR International Co. originally developed the Accessibility Plan to meet the AODA Integrated Standards but has been modified to include compliance with Manitoba’s accessibility regulations. The Multi-Year Ac...
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Overview VWR International Co. originally developed the Accessibility Plan to meet the AODA Integrated Standards but has been modified to include compliance with Manitoba’s accessibility regulations. The Multi-Year Ac...
CORPORATE POLICY Accessibility Policy (Jun 2021) 1 of 5 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy is valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on our Intranet. HUMAN RESOURCES CANADA POLICY Subject: Ac...
ISIA Traceability Certification VWR International LLC part of Avantor Building One Suite 200 100 Matsonford Road Radnor PA 19087 VWR Int’l bvba/sprl part of Avantor Haasrode Research Park Zone 2020 Geldenaaksebaan 464 3001 Leuven Belgium http://ww...
ISIA Certification 3.2022
ISIA Traceability Certification VWR International LLC part of Avantor Building One Suite 200 100 Matsonford Road Radnor PA 19087 VWR Int’l bvba/sprl part of Avantor Haasrode Research Park Zone 2020 Geldenaaksebaan 464 3001 Leuven Belgium http://ww...
/ 800-962-2660 Pyrrhotite Fe1-xS (x = 0 - 0.17) Crystallography: Monoclinic; 2/m (below about 250°C). Hexagonal; 6/m3/m2/m for high tempera- ture forms. Crystals rare usually tabular to platy on {0001}. Also massive granular. Physical Pr...
+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Andesite Type: Igneous; extrusive. Texture/Appearance: Generally fine-grained aphanitic. Massive structure often porphyritic with phenocrysts standing out in a vitreous or fine-grained groundmass. Color: Dark ...
+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Pyrite Fe S2 Crystallography: Isometric; 2/m3. Crystals commonly cubic (often striated) also pyritohedral or octahedral. Frequently massive granular sometimes globular reniform radiated. Physical Properties: C...
continued on next page Problem The pace of research is accelerating. New aggressive discovery timelines mean that scientists face increasing pressure to deliver results quickly. As part of continuous innovation efforts a team at one of VWRCATALYST...
continued on next page Problem The pace of research is accelerating. New aggressive discovery timelines mean that scientists face increasing pressure to deliver results quickly. As part of continuous innovation efforts a team at one of VWRCATALYST...
~~Avantor® Science Delivered Overview~~
Avantor® Science Delivered Overview Convenience Our global e-commerce platform available through delivers seamless purchasing and a strong distribution network with responsive local associates. Customization Our infrastructure is designed ...
/ 800-962-2660 Serpentinite Type: Metamorphic; regional. Texture/Appearance: Fine to coarse-grained lamellar or mesh-like; massive with frequent zonations and veins. Color: Dark green to black. Mineralogy/Chemistry: Ultramafic; composed ...
ward’s sciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Greenstone Type: Metamorphic; regional. Texture/Appearance: Fine-grained massive or compact; generally non-schistose. Color: Dark green. Mineralogy/Chemistry: Mainly composed of chlorite actinolite epidote and...
+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Amphibolite Type: Metamorphic; regional. Texture/Appearance: Massive to foliated; gneissic to schistose. Color: Black to dark-green often speckled with white. Mineralogy/Chemistry: Mafic; composed primarily of...
+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Obsidian Type: Igneous; extrusive Texture/Appearance: Glassy with rare microphenocrysts or spherulites; conchoidal fracture. Color: Shiny black to brown. Mineralogy/Chemistry: A natural glass or rhyolitic (fel...
1 - 16 of 148