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201  results were found

~~VWR Custom Manufacturing Services Brochure 0820106~~

Manufacturing CUSTOM CHEMICALS AND SERVICES SUPPORTING SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES FOR HUMAN HEALTH VWR Custom Manufacturing Services2 VWR enables the advancement of science by providing high-quality chemicals and services customized to your product or ma...

~~Avantor® Science Delivered Overview~~

Avantor® Science Delivered Overview Convenience Our global e-commerce platform available through delivers seamless purchasing and a strong distribution network with responsive local associates. Customization Our infrastructure is designed ...

Ansell Protect Yourself from Type 1 Allergies

Bad reactions to latex gloves? PROTECT YOURSELF Protect yourself from Type I allergies. Introduction Occasionally wearing glove products can cause issues with the health of our skin. This predominantly manifests itself in the form of skin allergie...

EyeProtectionScienceOlympiad-FINAL 7-29-15

EyeProtectionScienceOlympiad-FINAL 7-29-15 Science Olympiad Eye Protection Policy Updated July 29 2015 Purpose: This policy provides details regarding EYE PROTECTION in those events where an Event Rule requires Eye Protection. The objective is to ...

~~Syringe Filter Efficiency and Effect of Filtration on HPLC Column Life~~

Syringe Filter Efficiency and Effect of Filtration on HPLC Column Life Syringe Filter Efficiency and Effect of Filtration on HPLC Column Life Introduction Background on Column Failure Test Methods Test Results and Discussion Function of Filtration...

Ansell Criteria for Glove Selection Life Sciences

Bad reactions to latex gloves? PROTECT YOURSELF Criteria for Glove Selection When Double Donning in Life Sciences and Laboratory Environments By Don Cronk Regulatory Affairs and Technical Services Manager Ansell Introduction Single-use gloves are ...


ward’s sciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Hornfels Type: Metamorphic regional. Texture/Appearance: Homogeneous; dense fine-grained. Granoblastic; may have porphyroblasts or any of the minerals present. Color: Varies; light to dark. May be pink brown g...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Anorthosite Type: Igneous; intrusive. Texture/Appearance: Medium to coarse-grained equigranular with elongated tabular plagioclase. Color: Dark gray to bluish-gray sometimes lighter shades. Mineralogy/Chemistr...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Nepheline (NaK) AlSiO4 Crystallography: Hexagonal; 6. Rarely in small prismatic crystals with base; more commonly massive compact and in embedded grains. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {1010} distinct. Fractur...


ward’s sciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Graphite C Crystallography: Hexagonal; 6/m2/m2/m. Usually in foliated or scaly masses but may be radiated or granular. Crystals tabular of hexagonal outline with prominent basal plane. Physical Properties: Cle...

Microcline 800-962-2660 Microcline K Al Si3 O8 (Feldspar Group) Crystallography: Triclinic; 1. Crystal habit similar to orthoclase. Usually polysynthetically twinned on both the albite and pericline laws giving characteristic grating or gridiron ...

Marble 800-962-2660 Marble Type: Metamorphic; regional and contact. Texture/Appearance: Fine to coarse-grained; granoblastic to saccharoidal. May appear patched or with streaks or banding that is deformed. Color: Variable commonly white pink ...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Schorl (Tourmaline Group) Na Fe3+2 Al6 (BO3)3 Si6 O18 (OH)4 Crystallography: Hexagonal -R; 3m. Usually in prismatic crystals with rounded triangular cross- section due to prominent trigonal prism and subordina...

Forsterite 800-962-2660 Forsterite Mg2 Si O4 (Olivine Group) Crystallography: Orthorhombic; 2/m2/m2/m. Rarely in small equidimensional or tabular crystals; usually in granular masses and as rounded grains. Physical Properties: Cleavage: {101} ind...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Sulfur S Crystallography: Orthorhombic; 2/m2/m2/m. Crystals commonly dipyramidal; thick tabular on {001.} Also massive in spherical or reniform shapes incrusting earthy. Physical Properties: Cleavage: None. Fr...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Shale Type: Sedimentary; clastic. Texture/Appearance: Very fine-grained (clay to silt-sized particles) grains not distinguishable to the naked eye. A relatively soft rock with fine laminae; may display carbona...
1 - 16 of 201