You Searched For: Slide Stainers

Slide stainers automatically apply specific labeled antibodies, conjugated enzymes, and peroxidase to individual slides in a specific predetermined order. Improve throughput for staining protocols frequently needed in histology and cytology applications as well as considerably decreasing the time required for routine work in the laboratory. All models have simple interfaces that have multiple running programs for complete flexibility when staining slides.

Slide stainers automatically apply specific labeled antibodies, conjugated enzymes, and peroxidase to individual slides in a specific predetermined order. Improve throughput for staining protocols frequently needed in histology and cytology applications as well as considerably decreasing the time required for routine work in the laboratory. All models have simple interfaces that have multiple running programs for complete flexibility when staining slides.

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Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Compact, microprocessor-controlled unit stains up to 20 slides or coverslips.

Catalog Number: (100489-706)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: This device is used as an aid when programming a microwave oven to achieve an ideal target temperature of 20 – 100 µL staining volumes.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Supplier: General Data Healthcare
Description: The SHURStain™ Manual Stainers utilizes customizable manual stainer racks that are designed for the needs of today’s lab - where increased reliability, efficiency, throughput, accuracy and safety are all critical factors for delivering the highest quality care to your patients.

Catalog Number: (76498-578)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: The slide staining tray kit can be used in various laboratory applications, including microbiology, gram staining in histology, and special staining in hematology.

Catalog Number: (CA75801-410)
Supplier: General Data Healthcare
Description: Perfect for the lab with limited bench space but needing more than a manual stainer

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Run antigen unmasking in 6 various buffers at once.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

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