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Catalog Number: (470176-428)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Marine; Small Motile Cells with the Transverse Furrow Located Near the Apex.

Catalog Number: (470179-710)
Description: Cellular slime mold. Demonstrates amoeboid state, pseudoplasmodial state, and fruiting body, or sorocarp. Found in woodland soil in decomposing vegetation where bacteria are abundant. Incubation temperature 25°C. Plate cultures grown with Enterobacteria as food source; freeze-dried cultures include food source.<BR><BR>Characterized by an amoeboid stage (lacking cell walls) and a fungus-like reproductive structure.

Catalog Number: (470176-678)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Freshwater. Unicellular; desmid. Basic culture solution.<BR><BR>Characterized by green plastids and cell walls composed of cellulose.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: Pink to bright rose color.
Characterized by cilia; nearly all possess two types of nuclei.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: Volvox globator is a species of colonial green algae that forms spherical colonies of cells.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: This species of freshwater algae is commonly used for research on photosynthesis.

Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: This "many-headed" organism is a plasmodial slime mold commonly found in forests on decaying deciduous trees. Available in both plasmodial and sclerotial stages.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: For Culture of Freshwater Algae. Comes in ready-to-use and concentrated formulations

Supplier: Avantor
Description: Two flagella; no chloroplasts. Food organism. Hay medium.<BR><BR>Characterized by flagella; lacks plastids.

Catalog Number: (470176-440)
Description: Test cylindrical, covered with sand granules. Soil-water medium.<BR><BR>Characterized by pseudopods; with or without a shell (test).

Catalog Number: (470176-364)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Freshwater; unbranched filaments with cylindrical- to slightly barrel-shaped cells; shows the characteristic H-pieces upon fragmentation of the filament.<BR><BR>Live Cultures are supplied with media in 16 x 125 mm tubes, 2 oz. jars, or 8 oz. jars. Fast delivery is available directly from our laboratory. Please specify a delivery date.<BR><BR>Each culture shipment is prepared in our laboratories and includes the "Working with Algae & Cyanobacteria" manual which contains detailed instructions for subculturing and use.<BR><BR>Canadian Customers:<BR>CFIA and PHAC regulations require customers to submit a completed inspection checklist and signed statement of facilities compliance before receiving certain cultures. A customer service representative will contact you if documentation is required.

Catalog Number: (470179-736)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Demonstrates isogamous reproduction where gametes are similar in appearance and behavior. Make lectures and labs on protist reproduction clearer with our specially selected cultures that illustrate various reproductive phenomona.

Catalog Number: (470179-752)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Freshwater. Unicellular; homothallic strain. Basic culture solution. Characterized by green plastids and cell walls composed of cellulose.

Catalog Number: (470179-846)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Freshwater. Unicellular; pennate, with bilateral symmetry. Basic culture solution.<BR><BR>Characterized by shells (tests) made of silica, in two parts.

Catalog Number: (470176-566)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Very large ciliate. Feeds on colpidium. Hay medium.
Characterized by cilia; nearly all possess two types of nuclei.

Catalog Number: (470176-686)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Freshwater; large placoderm desmid; well-shaped semi-cells.<BR><BR>Live Cultures are supplied with media in 16 x 125 mm tubes, 2 oz. jars, or 8 oz. jars. Fast delivery is available directly from our laboratory. Please specify a delivery date.<BR><BR>Each culture shipment is prepared in our laboratories and includes the "Working with Algae & Cyanobacteria" manual which contains detailed instructions for subculturing and use.<BR><BR>Canadian Customers:<BR>CFIA and PHAC regulations require customers to submit a completed inspection checklist and signed statement of facilities compliance before receiving certain cultures. A customer service representative will contact you if documentation is required.

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