You Searched For: Laser Pointers

Small, sophisticated laser pointers produce brilliant beams of light in a multitude of colors that work equally well in daylight and dark. With a sturdy construction and long battery life, the devices permit intermittent to heavy use as a teaching tool for science presentations and even in planetariums. These ergonomically designed laser pointers can be carried easily in pockets or on keychains to always be on hand.

Small, sophisticated laser pointers produce brilliant beams of light in a multitude of colors that work equally well in daylight and dark. With a sturdy construction and long battery life, the devices permit intermittent to heavy use as a teaching tool for science presentations and even in planetariums. These ergonomically designed laser pointers can be carried easily in pockets or on keychains to always be on hand.

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Catalog Number: (470218-644)
Description: Ward's laser pointer is perfect as a presentation aid and for teaching laser optics.

Catalog Number: (470320-708)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Economical laser pointer, useful for many optical experiments.

Catalog Number: (470003-492)
Description: Class IIIa red laser pointer for optics experiments.

Catalog Number: (470343-198)
Supplier: American Scientific
Description: Excite your students with this affordable blue-violet laser pointer.

Catalog Number: (470110-214)
Supplier: Industrial Fiber Optics
Description: Economic and Compact Apparatus Uses 20-Meter Optical Fiber

Catalog Number: (97035-720)
Supplier: Sper Scientific
Description: Press one end of the button to activate a bright 650nm red laser pointer. Press the other end to activate a high intensity white LED light for inspection and illumination. Press the same side again to activate a 400 nm ultra-violet light.

Catalog Number: (470311-134)
Supplier: Klinger
Description: Basic set HeNe Laser.

Catalog Number: (470311-136)
Supplier: Klinger
Description: Intra cavity iris for TEMoo operation.

Catalog Number: (470162-860)
Description: Compact design laser with independent red and green buttons.

Catalog Number: (470320-710)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Bright, beautiful green laser pointer.

Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Class 2 laser are safe for classroom use.

Catalog Number: (470343-200)
Supplier: American Scientific
Description: Affordable pen-size red laser pointer.

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