You Searched For: Globes

Choose from a variety of formats depicting the Earth in a detailed, three-dimensional display. Inflatable, writable globes can be used for a hands-on lesson in world geography, with the inflated globe capable of being tossed around the room and information being recorded directly on the globe through use of wet-erase markers. Mounted relief globes show mountains jutting out from the ocean-level surface of the globe, and other models include demonstrations of seasons on Earth or representations of the moon and other celestial bodies.

Choose from a variety of formats depicting the Earth in a detailed, three-dimensional display. Inflatable, writable globes can be used for a hands-on lesson in world geography, with the inflated globe capable of being tossed around the room and information being recorded directly on the globe through use of wet-erase markers. Mounted relief globes show mountains jutting out from the ocean-level surface of the globe, and other models include demonstrations of seasons on Earth or representations of the moon and other celestial bodies.

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Catalog Number: (470338-910)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Display the apparent positions of the stars visible from Earth.

Catalog Number: (470105-304)
Description: This 9" diameter student globe is light enough to pick up and hold.

Catalog Number: (470323-890)
Supplier: GSC International
Description: This whiteboard globe has a write-on, dry-erase surface that allows for students and instructors to directly mark on it.

Catalog Number: (470150-896)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: Compact, Economical Globe with Great Detail

Catalog Number: (470006-228)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: Realistic, Accurate Model Endorsed by NASA

Catalog Number: (470006-238)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: The globe is mounted in a gold-finished, fully numbered meridian ring, which swings either up or down for easy viewing.

Catalog Number: (470012-838)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: View Constellations and the Zodiac with Two Globes in One

Catalog Number: (470029-370)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: Distinctive and Detailed, Yet Inexpensive

Catalog Number: (470311-726)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Tabletop globe with lighting on a metal-reinforced plastic stand with double-image map and tactile 3D relief of mountain ranges.

Catalog Number: (470006-250)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: This gyroscopic globe smoothly rotates on two axes.

Catalog Number: (470105-002)
Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: Made of durable vinyl, it has hanging loop placed so globe will hang at the proper tilt.

Catalog Number: (470324-780)
Supplier: Wards
Description: Perfect for introductory-level astronomy students.

Catalog Number: (470017-010)
Description: An Astronaut’s View Of the World

Supplier: Replogle Globes
Description: Inexpensive enough to provide the whole class with globes.

Catalog Number: (470352-176)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Visually demonstrate the magnetic field near the Earth.

Catalog Number: (470339-524)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: A fun way to explore the countries around the globe.

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