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Catalog Number: (76945-160)
Supplier: Texwipe
Description: TexVantage™ TX8949P pre-wetted wipers are pre-wet with 0.2 μm filtered 70% USP-grade IPA/30% DIW for ease of use. These wipers provide consistent, optimized cleaning efficiency with repeatable wetness and VOC levels.

Catalog Number: (10141-960)
Supplier: High-Tech Conversions
Description: FREE-SAT NTP-911™ pre-saturated wipers are made of 100% meltdown polypropylene. They are extremely clean with very high absorbency. These 9 x 11" wipers are pre-saturated in 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and 30% DI water.

SDS Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Berkshire
Description: DuoClean™ wipes provide convenience, consistency, disinfectant and sterilant capabilities for cleaning a wide array of cleanroom surfaces.

Supplier: ITW Texwipe
Description: Wipers are made from 100% continuous-filament knit polyester and are presaturated with a blend of 70% 0.2 µm filtered semiconductor-grade isopropyl alcohol and 30% deionized water.


Supplier: Veltek Associates
Description: Process2Wipes are saturated with 70% USP isopropyl alcohol and 30% USP water for injection.
Catalog Number: (76579-806)
Supplier: Decon Labs
Description: CiDehol® 70 wipes are pre-saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol.

Supplier: Berkshire
Description: SatPax® wipers provide a convenient combination of solvent and wiper that improves the cleaning process.It resolves safety issues associated with storage, mixing, and dispensing of solvents.

SDS Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (76334-612)
Supplier: Berkshire
Description: The sterile SatPax® MSVP® LE gamma irradiated is an ultrasonically sealed-edge, cleanroom-laundered wiper.

Supplier: Berkshire
Description: Sterile SatPax® MicroSeal®-VP is an ultrasonically sealed edge cleanroom laundered wipe recommended for ISO Class 3 and above environments. This wipe is composed of 100% continuous filament polyester knit fabric.

Description: <p>Convenience, consistency, and cleanliness.</p>

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Catalog Number: (89089-432)
Supplier: Berkshire
Description: Sterile SatPax® MicroSeal® WFI combines MicroSeal® 1200 ultrasonically sealed-edge cleanroom laundered wipers composed of 100% continuous filament polyester knit fabric with a high saturation level of 70% IPA and 30% WFI. This pre-wetted format provides a cost effective and easy to use solution versus traditional bulk handling of solvents.

SDS Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (75836-492)
Supplier: Berkshire
Description: Pre-wetted format provides a cost effective solution versus traditional bulk handling of solvents.

Catalog Number: (76204-772)
Supplier: Berkshire
Description: Gamma irradiated and sterile validated to a 10<sup>–6</sup> Sterility Assurance Level per AAMI guidelines.

Supplier: Texwipe
Description: Processed in a fully-automated, hands-free micro environment (Texwipe's unique Vertex® manufacturing system), these polyester, sealed-edge wipers are ultra clean.
Catalog Number: (10210-949)
Supplier: High-Tech Conversions
Description: Saturated with 70% IPA/30% DI water, these wipes contain four clean-cut, sealed edges to eliminate fiber contamination.

Catalog Number: (77871-056)
Description: <p>Convenience, consistency, and cleanliness.</p>

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