You Searched For: Microcentrifuge Tubes

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

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Catalog Number: (CA470357-558)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: <p>NIST traceable and contained in portable single-use sachets.</p>

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Supplier: SI Analytics
Description: 41406887
Catalog Number: (66170-814)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Potassium chloride solutions can be used to standardize conductivity meters

Supplier: YSI
Description: Use YSI Conductivity Solutions to calibrate conductivity cell and meter together as a system for maximum measurement accuracy.
Catalog Number: (80085-566)
Supplier: WTW
Description: 41406887

Catalog Number: (CA470112-614)
Supplier: Hanna
Description: It is a set of premium quality 1.413 µs/cm conductivity standards and pH 7.01 buffers that are NIST traceable and contained in portable single-use sachets. Each sachet has the lot number and expiration date stamped on it and is made of light block foil ensuring freshness each time one is opened. Hanna's line of conductivity solutions and pH buffers have been specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened sachet. This package of calibration sachets are for 20 sachets (10 each) containing 20 ml of solution.

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Description: 41406887

Catalog Number: (CA470357-560)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: <p>NIST traceable and contained in portable single-use sachets.</p>

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