You Searched For: Condensers

Condensers cool vapors emitted from heated fluids to change the physical state back to liquid. With a fast coolant speed, the glass manufactured devices use straight, coiled, or spiraled circulation cooling methods. Styles may feature an inner or outer jacket for more efficiency.  Although condensers are mostly used with organic substances, certain models may accommodate volatile substances. The equipment has top and bottom joints in standard sizes to fit in testing apparatuses correctly.

Condensers cool vapors emitted from heated fluids to change the physical state back to liquid. With a fast coolant speed, the glass manufactured devices use straight, coiled, or spiraled circulation cooling methods. Styles may feature an inner or outer jacket for more efficiency. Although condensers are mostly used with organic substances, certain models may accommodate volatile substances. The equipment has top and bottom joints in standard sizes to fit in testing apparatuses correctly.

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Coiled reflux condensing tube, with standard taper 24/40 inner joint at bottom and standard taper 24/40 reinforced outer joint at top

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This microscale, water-jacketed condenser is used in reflux experiments

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Catalog Number: (14202-446)
Supplier: SP Industries
Description: These borosilicate glass air condensers consist of a plain 13 mm tube with a Standard Taper 24/40 inner joint with drip tip.

Catalog Number: (14207-988)
Supplier: SP Industries
Description: The spiral inner tube of these borosilicate glass Friedrich condensers contains the coolant which fits closely within the jacket so vapor must pass along spiral in a thin layer.

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Spiral reflux condenser with inlet and outlet hose barbs located on the same side at the top of the condenser body for easy hose connections

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This is a borosilicate glass Allihn style condenser except with a 45 degree angle from bottom joint

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Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
Description: Condenser with water-cooled outer jacket to increase condensation capability.
Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Rugged heavy wall jacketed one-piece pressure reactor with bottom outlet valve, for use at pressure of up to 45 PSIG @ 100°C

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Replacement borosilicate glass triple-coil condenser (bullfrog) for popular process-scale rotary evaporators

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This high capacity, triple coil condenser features a new design that gives even higher throughput than double coil or any rotary evaporator condensers with three internal cooling coils

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Bulb type Allihn condenser, approximately one bulb per every 50 mm, with standard taper inner joint at bottom and reinforced standard taper outer joint at top

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Catalog Number: (89074-302)
Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Mini-Lab condenser and analytical still head combination

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This Dewar condenser is for use with dry ice and other solid cooling agents

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Liebig Condenser with straight inner tube sealed through the jacket

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Bulb-type Allihn condensers are for use with regular extraction apparatus

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Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Jacketed West Condenser with standard taper 24/40 inner and reinforced outer joints at bottom and top

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