You Searched For: Clinical Sample Collection/Preparation

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Catalog Number: (CA77530-106)
Supplier: Starplex
Description: P-STIK is a single-use, lightweight device that features an ergonomic articulating arm for the collection of urine specimens in a sanitary and dignified manner. The P-STIK articulating arm is designed for use with 48 mm urine specimen cups, which are sold separately.

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Supplier: Globe Scientific
Description: Quick-Prep™ is a tube and pipette system that isolates 1mL of urine sediment for microscopic examination

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Catalog Number: (89218-656)
Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: OncoQuick® is a simple-to-use, rapid and efficient system for the enrichment of circulating tumor cells that are released into the blood by a solid epithelial tumor or malignant melanoma.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (10025-012)
Supplier: Germaine Laboratories
Description: The EasyAim™ Midstream Collection System is easy to use for children, the elderly, and people of size

Catalog Number: (CA68810-046)
Supplier: Starplex
Description: White polyethylene funnels, bulk, non-sterile.

Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: Tubes are designed for routine use in immunohematology testing and viral marker testing in screening and clinical laboratories.
Supplier: Simport Scientific
Description: Containers are made entirely of polypropylene and polyethylene, are chemical-resistant even to hydrochloric acid, and are metal-, latex-, zinc-, and fluorescence-free

Catalog Number: (95057-259)
Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: VACUETTE® trace element tubes are designed to test trace elements such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, chrome, iron, fluoride, cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, mercury, selenium, or thalium.

Catalog Number: (10755-702)
Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: Greiner Bio-One offers a complete line of low volume tubes with draw volumes of 1 to 2.5 mL to facilitate reduction of phlebotomy volumes, improve overall patient care, and minimize the amount of discarded specimen waste.

Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: The VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set with Blood Culture Holder is used in routine venipuncture procedures.
Catalog Number: (CA89005-014)
Supplier: Cardinal Health
Description: High-clarity polystyrene sample cup for use with 13 mm blood collection tubes.

Catalog Number: (76449-908)
Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For COVID-19 saliva sample collection.

Catalog Number: (77020-358)
Supplier: PTS Diagnostics
Description: PTS Collect™ capillary tubes provide speed, efficiency and savings — especially for applications where exact sample volumes are required.

Supplier: Drummond
Description: SAFECAP® is a single-use, Triple Mylar® wrapped capillary tube with a super absorbent plug that automatically seals on contact with blood.

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Supplier: Globe Scientific
Description: These popular urine collection cups feature a quarter turn screw cap which is designed to assist in the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Supplier: BD
Description: Urine collection tubes and kits are easy-to-use, and ideal for microbiology and urinalysis applications
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