You Searched For: Air Samplers

The air can be a serious contamination source, so it is essential for your lab or food processing facility to regularly evaluate the quality of the environment with air samplers. Monitor indoor air quality to ensure viable levels of CO2, humidity, dew point, air temperature, and wet bulb temperature. Sample air by volume for higher accuracy and reproducibility. Graduated glass filter models are designed for use when sampling air volumes at low jet velocity.

The air can be a serious contamination source, so it is essential for your lab or food processing facility to regularly evaluate the quality of the environment with air samplers. Monitor indoor air quality to ensure viable levels of CO2, humidity, dew point, air temperature, and wet bulb temperature. Sample air by volume for higher accuracy and reproducibility. Graduated glass filter models are designed for use when sampling air volumes at low jet velocity.

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Supplier: Restek
Description: Restek offers a complete line of TO-Can® canisters (SUMMA can equivalent), electropolished using a proprietary process and extensively cleaned using an ultrasonic method.

Catalog Number: (10862-932)
Supplier: Restek
Description: The MTS-32 TD Multiple Tube Sequential Sampler allows sequential sampling of up to 32 thermal desorption tubes (3.5" each).

Supplier: Restek
Description: Unwashed PUF plugs for both low-volume and high-volume sampling.

Supplier: Restek
Description: 4633885

Catalog Number: (10863-156)
Supplier: Restek
Description: The model 1062 vacuum bag sampler provides fast sampling with zero cross-contamination.

Catalog Number: (CA76518-042)
Supplier: Sartorius
Description: MD8 Airport portable, battery operated air monitoring system for the quantitative and reproduceable collection of airborne bacteria, yeasts, and viruses. For use with gelatine filter disposables or BactAir media plates.

Catalog Number: (102681-124)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: The BioCulture Calibration Head is A NIST traceable venture calibrator with 1% accuracy that allow users to calibrate the flow of the BioCulture pump themselves without having to send the pump out for service of calibration.

Description: The nanoporous filtration membrane inside the Stat Peel filtration slide allows the collection of aerosol particles down to the nanometer range.

Description: Air sampling badge for active respirable or inhalable particle collection according to ISO 7708.

Description: Stat Peel's Identifier system is a fully automated, material-selective aerosol detection system designed to monitor workplace exposure and cross-contamination in laboratory and production environments.

Supplier: Koehler
Description: Welded stainless steel cylinders obtain representative samples of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)

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Supplier: Restek
Description: This unique grab sampler is specifically designed for soil gas sampling by allowing the connection of tubing coming from the soil gas sample port.

Supplier: Restek
Description: Restek offers a complete line of TO-Can® canisters (SUMMA can equivalent), electropolished using a proprietary process and extensively cleaned using an ultrasonic method.

Catalog Number: (10863-058)
Supplier: Restek
Description: Durable and reusable, PUF glass holders reduce waste and a cost-effective alternative to precleaned packed cartridges.

Supplier: Sartorius
Description: The MD8 Airscan®, together with gelatin membrane filter disposables, constitutes a sampling system for accurate, reproducible and quantitative detection of airborne microorganisms in clean rooms and isolators, whether conventionally ventilated or under laminar flow. This system is capable of detecting even the smallest airborne contaminants, including viruses.

Description: The Trio.Bas™ instruments utilize the impaction method of air sampling. The air, passing through an aspirating head, impacts onto an appropriate agar plate that collects bacteria or other organic substances possibly present in the sampled area.

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