AcroPrep™ 96-Well Filter Plates for Solvent Filtration, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)

Supplier: Cytiva
8147 8148 8247 8248 8047 5056-N 8047 8048 8582 8584 8682 8684 8782 8784 5055-N 8582 8586 8588 8682 8688
CA89135-692PK 222.43 CAD
CA89135-692 CA89135-694 CA89135-710 CA89135-712 89137-184 28148-664 CA89137-184 CA89137-186 76308-642 76308-644 76308-646 76308-648 76308-650 76308-652 CA-28148-662 CA76308-642 CA76423-864 CA76423-868 CA-76308-646 CA76423-870
AcroPrep™ 96-Well Filter Plates for Solvent Filtration, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Microplates Filter Plates
AcroPrep Advance 96-well filter plates are chemically compatible with harsh organic and / or aqueous solvents and contain inert materials of construction to provide a stable platform and ensure complete recovery of samples and low non-specific binding. The water wettable Polytetrafluoroethylene (wwPTFE) is a universally chemically compatible membrane and offers fast flow rates, low protein binding, and low levels of UV-absorbing extractables. These plates are suitable for applications such as metabolic studies, molecular or drug synthesis reactions, sample prep using solvents, and aggressiveMore Product Information
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