VWR® Centrifugal Filters

Supplier: VWR International
516-0227 516-0232 516-0235 516-0229 516-0233 516-0230 516-0235 516-0236 516-0228 516-0234 516-0228 516-0230 516-0231 516-0232 516-0235
CA82031-344PK 501.13 CAD
CA82031-344 CA82031-352 CA82031-354 CA82031-360 CA82031-348 CA82031-356 82031-350 82031-360 82031-362 82031-346 82031-358 CA76196-216 CA76196-218 CA76196-220 CA76196-222 CA76196-224
VWR® Centrifugal Filters
Filters Centrifugal Filters
Use to: Concentrate, purify, and desalt peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, DNA, and RNA; clean up labeling and PCR reactions; isolate DNA from agarose gel slices; buffer exchange; separate proteins, oligonucleotides, and RNA from acrylamide gels; clarify samples; or remove particulates.

  • Polypropylene housing
  • Membrane options available

Filter housings are constructed of polypropylene and are available with a polyethersulfone (PES) or nylon membrane.

Filters with nylon membrane are ideal for prefiltration clean-up of large agarose or acrylamideMore Product Information
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Environmentally Preferable
Effective filtration area 0.28 cm2 0.28 cm2 0.28 cm² 0.28 cm² 0.28 cm² 0.28 cm²
Hold-up volume 5 µl 5 µl 5 µl 5 µl 5 µl 5 µl
Length 4.5 cm (125/32") 4.5 cm (125/32") 4.5 cm (125/32") 4.5 cm (125/32") 4.5 cm (125/32") 4.5 cm (125/32")
Max. centrifugal force 14000 g 14000 g 14000 g 14000 g 14000 g 14000 g
Max. receiver volume 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl
Max. sample volume 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl
Operating temperature range 0...40 °C (32...104 °F) 0...40 °C (32...104 °F) 0...40 °C (32...104 °F) 0...40 °C (32...104 °F) 0...40 °C (32...104 °F) 0...40 °C (32...104 °F)

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Avantor is a vertically integrated, global supplier of discovery-to-delivery solutions for...

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