Crown Scissors, OR Grade, Sklar

Supplier: Sklar
24-2346 24-2340 24-2341 24-2345
10192-234EA 173.98 CAD
10192-234 10193-294 10195-416 10195-418
Crown Scissors, OR Grade, Sklar
Sklar's® Crown Scissors are small finger ring scissors commonly used in dental procedures for trimming crowns

Censitrac Ready products are industry standard and constructed of stainless steel.

They have short jaws for making small cuts when sizing polycarbonate, stainless steel, or aluminum crowns

Ordering information: Censitrac instruments are custom barcoded to reflect the facility. This is unique customization. The initial order for the facility can take 14 to 30 days, subsequent orders can take less time.

Caution: Customers must have a Censitrac Site ID to purchase Censitrac instruments.
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